After being hurt in one of the worst ways by Jay I wrote this to let out my feelings towards him after he betrayed me yet again.............
I'm sadden to see how things ended between me and you because this is not what I wanted I thought we can some how be friends and still be in each others' lives at a small level but you showed me that you don't want to be friends and hurt me in the worst way. If you think what you did was justified it wasn't. I wanted us to stop hurting one another and just remove romance from the equation and be friends but you couldn't do that instead you let another woman who is insecure and I don't know disrespect me! I NEVER DID THAT TO YOU AND YOU KNOW IT! I was shocked because I don't even know her and I don't want to be with you so I didn't understand her issue. I felt as if she was intimidated by me and what we had but she shouldn't be at all. I'm disgusted in your behavior. I'm going to be just great because God is on my side and I know it.
This deeply saddens me because I wanted better for you and wanted you to be happy but what you think is real right now you will soon learn it was not what you thought it was. I will continue to pray for you in hopes you will get through the rough moment or moments that is yet to come.
I'm not upset at the fact you started to date somebody because I want you to be happy but I know you and you will soon find out that she's not the right one for you. There are certain things you will find out about her that you will have to learn on your own. I want to protect you from what is yet to come and have you find a classy sophisticated woman that will love you unconditionally like I loved you but I have to separate myself from you indefinitely! You set me up and lied to me that day and I don't know if I could ever trust you again. I loved you more than I have loved any man in my life! I am sincerely apologetic for the things I put you through. You did not deserve that and there is no excuse in the book to justify my actions. I wanted to make it up to you by being the best friend you have in your corner to lean on but unfortunately that wont be the case anymore.

You will always hold a special place in my heart
The Original Baby Girl!
Goodbye My Hulk
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