May 21, 2013 Graduation Day!!
That day was the end of my undergrad career! During the past four years I have learned a lot about myself and have grown so much as a not only a person but a woman. I was able to put certain things into perspective and realize want I really want in life and what I want in a man(which is harder to find then I thought lol but one day I will find my prince charming). College years were fun! I have lots of memories that I will have for a lifetime. Since I was single during the majority of my college career I did have some fun (wink, wink).
There will be some things that I will miss about college and other things that I won't! I will miss being able to see my friends everyday like I use to and being able to getaway from home for sometime. Being able to getaway from home and be at school enjoying the college life was great but now I'm stuck here til I get my own place...ughhhh....What I won't miss is all the school work (papers, exams, projects) o lord I won't miss that! But overall I did enjoy college; a little part of me wish I would of went to a school with a bit more action/college life but it's a small school.
Now after college has been a bit hard for me. When it hits you that once the summer is over you are not going back to campus; you are staying home..its not pretty lol!!(well at least for me) There was a few days were i was not really depressed but really really down. It's a big adjustment and change in someone's life when you are use to things being a certain way and then one day it all changes. You grow up and move on to bigger and better things; it's kind of nerve racking growing up but I'm ready for whatever my future has to offer.
My plans after college is to go back to college for my master's in Social Work. And one day I hope to open up my own community center for women and youth and make a difference in many lives. To touch peoples' heart one heart at a time!
That day was the end of my undergrad career! During the past four years I have learned a lot about myself and have grown so much as a not only a person but a woman. I was able to put certain things into perspective and realize want I really want in life and what I want in a man(which is harder to find then I thought lol but one day I will find my prince charming). College years were fun! I have lots of memories that I will have for a lifetime. Since I was single during the majority of my college career I did have some fun (wink, wink).
There will be some things that I will miss about college and other things that I won't! I will miss being able to see my friends everyday like I use to and being able to getaway from home for sometime. Being able to getaway from home and be at school enjoying the college life was great but now I'm stuck here til I get my own place...ughhhh....What I won't miss is all the school work (papers, exams, projects) o lord I won't miss that! But overall I did enjoy college; a little part of me wish I would of went to a school with a bit more action/college life but it's a small school.
Now after college has been a bit hard for me. When it hits you that once the summer is over you are not going back to campus; you are staying home..its not pretty lol!!(well at least for me) There was a few days were i was not really depressed but really really down. It's a big adjustment and change in someone's life when you are use to things being a certain way and then one day it all changes. You grow up and move on to bigger and better things; it's kind of nerve racking growing up but I'm ready for whatever my future has to offer.
My plans after college is to go back to college for my master's in Social Work. And one day I hope to open up my own community center for women and youth and make a difference in many lives. To touch peoples' heart one heart at a time!

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